Appraisal Services
The Kenneth Jones group of companies includes Kenneth Jones & Associates, a residential real estate appraisal firm. Its appraisers have a combined experience of more than 50 years and is continually taking advantage of educational opportunities in order to be ahead of the game with industry trends and processes. Kenneth Jones & Associates utilizes the most up-to-date technology to accurately and professionally represent our clients whether it is for brokerage or valuation purposes. The entire professional staff is continually researching markets, relevant ordinances, as well as contract and form updates. For appraisal purposes, an in-house computer system is employed for residential, small residential income properties and narrative reports. Data gathering is accomplished via Multiple Listing Services, builders, developers, individuals, local real estate offices and professional publications.
Permanent records are retained for a minimum of five years, thus providing long-term on-site historical data on properties in North Texas. Cost factors are based on information from the local construction industry, and further verified through the Marshall & Swift Cost Valuation Service and/or other valuation models.
Clients have included financial institutions, government agencies, corporations, attorneys, developers and individuals. Appraisal experience has included properties in varied geographic and economic markets primarily in the Fort Worth/Dallas market area, as well as, the expanded North Texas area. Additionally, Kenneth Jones associates have extensive experience with real estate valuation for litigation, probate, and other legal purposes.